GitHub Logo HIP-406: Staking

Author Leemon Baird
Status Final
Needs Council Approval Yes
Review period ends Thu, 02 Jun 2022 07:00:00 +0000
Type Standards Track
Category Core
Created 2022-03-27
Updated 2023-08-10
Superseded by 782
Release v0.27.0

Table of Contents


Hedera is a Proof of Stake network. Staking is the process by which a user stakes the hbar in their account directly or indirectly to a node. Nodes use stake to weight their contributions to consensus. Staking enables community nodes by securing the network by making Sybil attacks prohibitively expensive. This document describes a system for staking. It is designed to ensure security in both the short term and long term, by having several parameters that can be set by the Council.


Currently, all nodes are deployed by the governing council, and each node has equal stake. As the network is further decentralized, it becomes important to allow for uneven staking in the networking, and to permit users to choose to which nodes they want to stake their hbar. The code for the mainnet nodes needs to be updated to understand and take staking into account when determining consensus, and needs to add support for allowing users to select which node to which they stake (either directly or indirectly). The record files produced by the main nodes need to include staking information and mirror nodes need to take staking information into account when determining a 1/3 strong minority for processing record files. The SDKs need to be updated with the API for allowing users to control staking on their accounts.

It is possible for applications to be written and deployed through smart contracts to enable other forms of “staking”, completely independent of this HIP. Such contracts can implement novel reward mechanisms like earning NFTs or giving voting rights. This HIP is unrelated to such smart contracts. This HIP discusses only the transactions needed to enable the form of native staking that impacts consensus, ensures security, and enables the possibility in the future of anonymous, permissionless nodes.


In a Proof of Stake network, the network must support native staking so consensus can be weighted by stake. The design is based on that defined in the Hedera Hashgraph Whitepaper. There is no “bonding” or “slashing” and the account balance in each account that chooses to stake is liquid at all times. There is a reward mechanism built into the system so those who choose to stake their coins to the network can earn appropriate rewards for their contribution to the operation and security of the network.

There is no “bonding” or lock-up period, but there is a minimum staking period defined by the council and presumed to be 1 day in this document, within which a staking election is made before rewards are earned. Hbars staked for during a fraction of one of those periods have no effect on consensus, and so earn no reward.

This staking system offers an additional feature that is unusual: indirect staking. If account A stakes to node N, then the staking increases the consensus weight of N, and account A is rewarded for each day that it stakes. If account A stakes to account B, and account B stakes to node N, then the stake from A will still increase the consensus weight of N, and it will still earn rewards, and the rewards will be received by B.

There are a number of use cases for indirect staking. A game might create many accounts for its users, and set up the accounts to indirectly stake through the account of the game manufacturer, allowing the manufacturer to direct the staking of all those accounts, and to earn the resulting rewards. Of course, the game players can always intervene and change their staking to go directly to the node, and earn the rewards themselves. But their “reward” for not intervening may be the right to play the game. Similar use cases could be imagined for those who write wallet software, for custody providers, or exchanges, and for many others. This feature is optional, and no user has to use it. But if people do decide to use it, it enables new business models.

User Stories

1. An account stakes to a node for several staking periods and then does a crypto transfer

I modify my account to stake to a node in the network. Once I stake my account, I do nothing else with the account for several staking periods. Then, I transfer a single tinybar to another account. I find that during that transfer, my account balance was reduced by the cost of the transfer and increased by the reward amount I earned through staking. Further transfers during that same staking period do not result in further rewards.

2. An account stakes to a node for several staking periods and then stakes to a different node

I modify my account to stake to a node in the network. Once I stake my account, I do nothing else with the account for several staking periods. Then, I update my account to stake to a different node. Afterwards, I find that my account balance has increased as a result of rewards that I earned while staking to the first node.

3. An account stakes to a node that is offline during the staking period

My account is configured to stake to a node. During several staking periods, the node is down. When I earn my staking rewards through a crypto-transfer or some other transaction, I find that I have not earned rewards for staking during those days when the node I staked to was down. I only earned during the staking periods when it was active.

4. An account stakes to a node and changes to another node within the same staking period

Suppose the staking period is one day, running from each midnight to midnight UTC. On Monday, I update my account to start staking, by staking to node A. Then, shortly after (and still within the Monday staking period) I change my mind and update my account to stake to node B. I earn no reward for Monday, because those changes happened after the start of the Monday staking period. Then on Thursday, I change my mind and stake to the C node. At that moment, I earn rewards for staking to the B node for Tuesday and Wednesday, because I was staking to B at the start of each of those days, and those days have now completed. Then, the next time I received earned rewards after Thursday is done, it will include the reward for staking to B on Thursday. And the next time I receive earned rewards after Friday is done, I will receive rewards earned by staking to C on Friday. I only earn for staking periods where I was staking at the start of the period (midnight UTC).

5. An account stakes to a node but elects to earn no rewards

I update my account to stake to a node, but in that same transaction I set a field to select to earn no rewards. Since I never elect to earn rewards, no rewards are ever computed on my behalf. But the target node still has increased weight in consensus due to my staking, and my staking helps it reach the minimum stake needed to participate.

6. An account stakes to another account which stakes to nothing.

Alice decides to stake her account to Bob’s account (not to a node). Bob, however, never enables staking. Neither Alice nor Bob ever contributes stake to consensus, so neither Alice nor Bob ever earns any rewards. The same is true if Bob was staked to a non-existent node. If Bob was staked to a node that was down throughout the time it was staked, then the stake did increase the node’s weight in consensus, but neither Alice nor Bob earned rewards for that period.

7. An account stakes to another account which eventually stakes to a node

Alice decides to stake her account to Bob’s account. Some time later, Bob stakes to a node. Alice earns no rewards, but Bob does earn staking rewards based on the combination of his account balance and Alice’s account’s balance. That combined amount is contributed to consensus by being staked to the node of Bob’s choice. The staking only affects consensus (and Bob only earns rewards) during staking periods where it was staked at the start of the period. Alice earns no reward.

8. An account stakes to another account which stakes to a third account

Alice decides to stake her account to Bob’s account. Bob decides to stake to Carrol’s account. Alice contributes nothing to consensus, and so no one is rewarded for Alice’s staking.

9. An account stakes to another account which stakes to the original account

Alice decides to stake her account to Bob’s account. Bob in turn decides to stake to Alice’s account. Neither Alice nor Bob are staked to a node, and so neither have an effect on consensus, and so neither earn staking rewards.

10. An account fails to stake to itself

Alice tries to stake her account to itself, but finds she receives an error from the network, forbidding self-staking.

11. An account stakes to another account that stakes to a node and has elected not to earn rewards

Alice decides to stake her account to Bob’s account. Bob stakes to a node. He also chooses to configure his account so as not to earn any rewards. Neither Alice nor Bob earn any rewards for staking, but their combined stake does contribute toward consensus weight for the node that Bob chose.

12. Many accounts decide to stake to the same account

Alice, Bob, and Carol all decide to stake to Dave’s account. Dave stakes to a node. The combined account balance from Alice, Bob, Carol, and Dave are all staked to the node of Dave’s choice. The node’s influence on consensus is affected by the combined balance. Dave earns rewards based on that combined balance.

13. An account stakes to a node and then spends some hbars

Alice stakes to node X on Monday (assuming a staking period of one day). On Wednesday, Alice transfers out some of the hbars in the account. Her effect on consensus (and earned rewards) for Monday are both zero, because she was not staked at the start of Monday (midnight UTC). For Tuesday, she affected consensus and so is rewarded based on her balance at the start of Tuesday. If she then triggers a reward on Friday, it will include rewards for both Wednesday and Thursday, but the reward for Thursday will be smaller than for Wednesday, because she was staking less at the start of Thursday than at the start of Wednesday, and so had less effect on consensus weight throughout the day on Thursday than it was throughout the day on Wednesday.

14. An account stakes to another account and then spends some hbars

Alice stakes to Bob’s account. Bob then stakes to a node. Alice has 100 hbar. She then spends 10 hbar by transferring it to the account of a charity. When she does so, the amount of stake contributed by Alice and Bob to the node of Bob’s choice is reduced by 10 hbar. That change will start having an effect at the start of the next staking period.

15. An account stakes to another account and then both spend or receive some hbars

Alice stakes to Bob’s account on Monday (assuming a staking period of one day). Bob then stakes to a node on Tuesday. Bob then triggers the reward payment on Friday. He had no effect on consensus on Tuesday, and so receives no reward for Tuesday. But both of them had an effect on consensus throughout the day on Wednesday (according to the combined balance at the start of the day on Wednesday), and so Bob earns a reward based on the combined balance then.

16. An account stakes to a node and is then deleted

Alice stakes 100 hbars to a node and lets this account stay put for many days (assuming a staking period is one day). Then Alice decides to delete her account and transfer all her remaining hbars to Bob. The 100 hbars, plus the staking rewards she earned, minus the transaction fees, are deposited in Bob’s account. Alice’s account is deleted, and has no effect on consensus during that staking period nor later staking periods. In other words, Alice receives the rewards before her balance is transferred to Bob, so there will be nothing left after the transfer.

17. An account stakes to a node and loses its key

Alice stakes her account containing 1 hbar to a node and then loses her key. Eventually, her account comes up for auto-renewal. The system computes the reward she has earned, adds it to her balance, and then subtracts the auto-renewal fee. In that order. If she earned enough reward, her account expiration date extends for the entire renewal period. If she did not earn enough reward, then her account extends for a shorter period, and has zero balance. If she earns more rewards than the auto-renew fee during each expiration period, then her account grows over time, while auto-renewing repeatedly.

18. The total stake to a node exceeds the max

A node has a max stake of 30, but Alice stakes 100 to it and Bob stakes 200 to it, so the total stake is 300. Only 30 of that 300 will count, which is one tenth. So Alice earns rewards as if she had staked only 10, and Bob earns rewards as if he had staked only 20, and the node gains weight in consensus as if only 30 had been staked to it. The excess staking is ignored. (These numbers are unrealistic, but are just chosen for this example to make the math simple).

A node has a max stake of 30, but Alice stakes 100 to it, Bob stakes 200 to it (both claiming rewards), and Carol stakes 50 to it (without claiming rewards). The total stake is now 350. Since Carol is not claiming rewards, the proportional allocation of rewards between Alice and Bob remains the same as in the previous scenario. However, the node’s weight in consensus will still be calculated as if only 30 had been staked to it. The excess coins are not rewarded and do not affect consensus weight.

19. Accounts stake non-whole number of hbars

Alice stakes 2.5 hbars to a node. The node’s stakeRewarded increases by only 2 hbars, and Alice is rewarded only for each whole hbar she has staked. Bob then stakes 2.5 hbars to Alice. Now the stakeRewarded Alice contributes to her node increases by 3, because 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 hbars, which is a whole number. This is a general principle: Nodes and accounts accumulate stake and rewards per whole hbar, and fractions are rounded down.


Each node in the network shares responsibility for securing the network. Not all nodes have the same inherent trustworthiness. Stake is used to as an indication for trustworthiness. Nodes with greater stake are deemed to be more trustworthy as determined by the users of the network. Stake is expressed as an amount in hbars. The stake is used to compute a node’s contribution to consensus, is counted when collecting signatures on streaming record files, and will affect a node’s share in the signature for the state. When determining a strong minority or super majority of the network for consensus or other uses, we use the stake of each node as a fraction of the total staked to all nodes to determine whether we have at least 1/3 of the stake of the network or greater than 2/3 of the stake of the network, rather than just counting 1/3 or 2/3 of the nodes on the network.

There is a staking period. During the staking period, a user may choose to stake their hbars to a node, or indirectly stake through another account. At the start of a staking period a snapshot of all staking on the network is used to update the weight of the nodes in consensus. It continues to affect the consensus weight throughout that staking period, and then the stakers earn their rewards at the end of that staking period. The rewards are not actually transferred immediately, but they are earned immediately, at the end of the staking period.

The staking period will be a setting giving its length in minutes. This is in minutes rather than a longer period, to give maximum flexibility, which is especially useful during testing. It is in minutes rather than a shorter period, because it is useful to have the option of aligning the start and end staking periods with midnight UTC. If the period were specified in seconds (or nanoseconds), then the exact UTC starting times would drift over time. This is because the number of minutes in a day is a known constant (24 * 60), but the number of seconds in a day changes on days when the world adds a leap second. This setting will initially be one day (1440 minutes), and is unlikely to change in the future, except on test nets during testing.


The state will contain these fields related to staking:

  • totalStakedRewardStart (value ≥ 0) sum over all nodes of stakedReward, as of the start of the current staking period
  • long totalStakedStart (value ≥ 0) sum over all nodes of stake (which is based on stakedReward + stakedNoReward), as of the start of the current staking period

In addition, the state contains an object for each node, which contains the following fields for that node:

  • long minStake (value ≥ 0) A node can’t participate in consensus unless it has at least this much stake
  • long maxStake (value ≥ minStake) Any hbars staked to the node over this limit are ignored
  • long stakedRewarded (value ≥ 0) current total of balance of all accounts staked to this node that have declineReward == false, and all accounts staked to those accounts (in tinybars)
  • long stakedNotRewarded (value ≥ 0) current total of balance of all accounts staked to this node that have declineReward == true, and all accounts staked to those accounts (in tinybars)
  • long stakedRewardedStart (value ≥ 0) stakedRewarded as of the start of the current staking period
  • long stake (value ≥ 0) the consensus weight for this node throughout the current staking period (calculated at the start of the period)
  • long[] rewardSumHistory (array with 365+1 elements) a running sum of reward rates per hbar for the last 365+1 staking periods. Element 0 is the reward up to and including the last full period that finished before the present. Element 1 is the reward up to and including the period before that. And so on.

Each node has a minStake and a maxStake which must be nonnegative numbers of tinybars. It is not required that all nodes have the same values for minStake and maxStake. Any node that has a total stake less than minStake will be treated as though its stake is 0 and will not contribute to consensus, or to rewards, or to the total stake of all nodes. Any node that has more stake than maxStake will be treated as though its stake is maxStake, when calculating its weight on consensus, and the rewards earned by staking to it, and the sum of stake to all nodes. The purpose of these values is to make sure every node has some significant “skin in the game” to prevent sock puppets, while also preventing any single node from having excessive weight in the system.

Initially, council nodes will have twice the maximum stake as community nodes. minStake will be set to half of maxStake. The sum of all maxStake will equal 50 billion. In the future, these settings may change, as defined by the council.

The stakedRewarded and stakedNotRewarded fields represent the number of tinybars that are staked to this node with a request for a reward or for no reward, respectively. These change repeatedly throughout the staking period. The stakedRewardedStart is a snapshot of stakedRewarded at the start of the current staking period. During the staking period, accounts may change their staking election — perhaps from one node to another, or the amount to stake, or from an account to a node, or from a node to an account, or to stop participating in staking all together. Any such changes will result in stakedRewarded changing immediately, and stakedRewardedStart changing at the start of the next staking period.

The stake field controls how much weight the node has in consensus, and how much reward can be earned by those staking for the current period. It is calculated from the staked values (the sum of rewarded and not rewarded) at the start of the staking period. It may be less than the sum, if the sum is outside the range of minStake and maxStake. A given node will constitute a fraction stake / totalStakedStart of all the consensus for the network.

The node’s state is recorded in DualState, which means it is in the part of state that can be used by both the application (services) and the platform.

The rewardSumHistory array gives a cumulative sum of all rewards earned by staking to that node, for each of 365+1 days. The units are tinybars earned per hbar staked per staking period. For example, if the staking period is a day, and it is currently the middle of Friday, then element 0 of the array gives the total reward through all of history up to and including the reward for staking throughout the day on Thursday (i.e., including the amount staked at midnight at the start of Thursday). Element 1 gives the total for history up through Wednesday. Element 2 goes up through Tuesday, and so on. That means that the difference between elements 0 and 1 gives the reward for Thursday (the reward earned by those staking at midnight at the start of Thursday), the difference between elements 1 and 2 gives the reward for Wednesday, the difference between 2 and 3 gives the reward for Tuesday, and so on. Each of those differences gives the reward for one day. If the reward for Thursday (the difference of elements 0 and 1) is 1000, then that means that for any account that was staked to this node at midnight at the start of Thursday, if the non-ignored, rewarded staking amount is b hbars, then the staking account will earn (1000 * b) tinybars for staking that day. The array is intended to record the rewards for the last 365 full days. It does not yet include any information about Friday, because that day is not yet completed. It contains 365+1 elements, so that there can be 365 differences (difference of elements 0 and 1, difference of elements 1 and 2, …, difference of elements 364 and 365).


Any account may elect to contribute stake to a node. Accounts that contribute stake are essentially expressing a vote of confidence in that node. For contributing to the security of the network by contributing stake, accounts that stake will earn a reward. This reward is primarily based on the transaction fees paid to the network for handling transactions, but may also include additional rewards contributed by the council, or other organizations or individuals, and deposited into the staking reward account, 0.0.800. That account does not yet exist, but will be created by the code itself in a future update. It will have no keys associated with it, and therefore no transaction can ever transfer hbars out of it, not even a transaction signed by the Council. The network code itself will withdraw from the account to transfer earned staking rewards to staking accounts. Deposits into the account come from a fraction of transaction fees, but can also come from ordinary hbar transfer transactions, if any individuals or organizations decide to contribute to it. If it never reaches a balance sufficient to start rewarding of staking, then the hbars in it can never be retrieved. They will simply continue to build up until they reach the threshold to start earning the staking rewards.

Hedera staking does not including “bonding” or “slashing”. Each account may simply specify which node to stake to, and the current balance of the account is automatically staked to the specified node! The balance is still liquid and can be adjusted at any time. The staking period will initially be set to one day. So at the start of each day (midnight UTC), each node’s weight is adjusted to reflect the amount that was staked to it throughout the previous 24 hours, and this determines its weight in consensus throughout the next 24 hours.

The following fields on the account are used for staking:

  • long balance (value ≥ 0) this is the normal account balance, in tinybars
  • long stakedToMe (value ≥ 0) total of balance of all accounts staked to this account
  • long stakedNode (value ≥ -1) the id of the node to stake to. If not staked to a node, the value is -1. The default value is -1.
  • AccountID stakedAccount (value ≥ -1); the account to which the account is staking. If not staked to an account, the value is null. The default value is null. It can never happen that stakedAccount is non-null and stakedNode is nonnegative at the same time.
  • boolean declineReward true if the account declines receiving a staking reward. Default is false.
  • long stakePeriodStart (value ≥ -1) the staking period during which either the staking settings for this account changed (such as starting staking or changing stakedNode) or the most recent reward was earned, whichever is later. If this account is not currently staked to a node, then the value is -1.
  • boolean rewardedSinceLastStakingChange true if this account has claimed a reward since the last time its staking settings changed (includes the degenerate case of claiming a zero reward by changing the amount staked before contributing to consensus for a full period).
  • long stakeAtStartOfLastRewardedPeriod (value ≥ 0) if rewardedSinceLastStakingChange is true, this field is the sum of the account’s balance and stakedToMe fields at the start of the latest staking period in which it claimed a reward; if rewardedSinceLastStakingChange is false, this field provides no information.

The account’s balance is not a new field, it is the same as currently exists with the same rules and semantics as currently exist. It holds the current balance of the account, in tinybars.

When an account owner wants to stake to a node, the account owner will submit a transaction that sets stakedNode to the node ID, and will set the stakedAccount to null. For example, the Swirlds node has an ID of 1. If the owner wants to stake indirectly — delegate staking rights for its hbars to another account to stake on its behalf — then the transaction will set stakedAccount to the account ID of the account to delegate to. It can never be staked to both a node an and account at the same time. It can be staked to only a single node or account at a time. The stakedToMe field is the total of all tinybars that are currently staked to this account. For example, if account 0.0.1000 and 0.0.2000 both staked to 0.0.3000, then the value of stakedToMe on 0.0.3000 would reflect the sum of the balance of 0.0.1000 and 0.0.2000.

While it is possible to form long chains of indirect staking, only a single level of staking depth will be used. For example, suppose Alice stakes to Bob’s account, and Bob stakes to Carol’s account, and Carol stakes to a node. The stakedToMe for Carol will only include Bob’s balance, and not Bob’s stakedToMe that he got from Alice. If Alice’s balance changes, Bob’s stakedToMe will be updated, but not Carol’s. The amount staked to the node of Carol’s choice is simply Carol’s balance plus Carol’s stakedToMe. The amount that Alice is staking to Bob has no effect on consensus, and no effect on anyone’s earned rewards.

While it is possible to form cycles, they won’t impact the system, since the network will never follow more than one step around the cycle.

It is not possible for any account to stake to itself, or “self-stake”. Any attempt to do so will result in an error code being returned.

If an account sets its declineReward to true, then it will not receive any staking rewards, but its stake can still give a node increased weight in consensus. This field is false by default.

The stakePeriodStart is a staking period number. Initially, the staking period will be implemented to be one day, and the period number will be Java’s getEpochDay for the UTC day, which is the number of days since the start of the epoch in 1970. This is set to the day when the staking settings for this account were last changed, or for when it last received a staking reward, whichever is later. If it is not staked, or if it is staked to an account (rather than to a node), then it is not currently earning staking rewards, and the stakePeriodStart is -1.


We implement a lazy reward mechanism. Rather than performing extensive computation at the end of each staking period and updating all accounts with their rewards proactively, we compute and reward accounts lazily based on one of several reward situations. When one of these situations arises, we compute the reward and apply it to the account balance. This is a highly scalable solution that minimizes the computation overhead as well as the impact on the record stream.

The following situations cause a reward to be computed and applied:

  1. When any change is made to the account balance
  2. When any change is made to stakedNode, stakedAccount, declineReward, or stakedToMe
  3. During auto-renew (a corollary of #1 above)
  4. When an account staked to this one has its balance change (a corollary of #2 above)

When it is time to computer the reward, the reward is calculated based on the time from stakePeriodStart until the current staking period. It is then given the reward, and stakePeriodStart is updated to equal the current staking period.

If an account does not want to receive any rewards, but only wants to stake, then the account’s declineReward field will be set to true. It will still be able to stake and increase a node’s weight in consensus, but it will not earn any rewards until it sets declinedReward back to false again.

Computing Rewards

Suppose the staking period is one day, and an operation occurs that triggers rewards for an account, such as a transaction is executed, or a scheduled transaction is executed, or an entity expires and tries to autorenew.

At that moment, if account 0.0.800 has never had a balance of at least StakingStartThreshold tinybars, then no reward is given. If a transaction causes 0.0.800 to be equal to or greater than the threshold for the first time, then rewards are activated from then on. They never turn off. At the moment they turn on, the rewardSumHistory array for every node should be set to all zeros. That zeroing will also never happen again.

If rewards are activated (because 0.0.800 reached the threshold at some time in the past), then the following steps should be performed each time a reward transfer to an account is triggered:

  1. Calculate a local variable long todayNumber =; where zoneUTC is a global constant defined as constant ZoneID zoneUTC = ZoneID.of("UTC");.

  2. If this transaction is a smart contract call, then execute the call, and identify which accounts had their balance changed. For any other transaction type, identify which accounts will have balances that change (such as due to the account paying the transaction fees, or the account being modified by an hbar transfer during a cryptocurrency transfer or an account deletion, or the account autorenewing during this transaction). Either way, do all the following steps on each account whose balance is changing.

  3. If stakePeriodStart > -1 and stakePeriodStart < todayNumber - 365 then set stakePeriodStart = todayNumber - 365. This ensures the rewards are only calculated for at most the last 365 days of staking. So the account balance must change at least once a year to receive all the earned rewards (which is guaranteed if every entity must autorenew every 3 months).

  4. Examine stakePeriodStart. If it equals -1, that means it is unstaked or is staked to an account (not a node). If it equals todayNumber, that means the staking changed today (later than the start of today), so it had no effect on consensus weights today, and should never be rewarded for helping consensus throughout today. If it equals todayNumber-1, that means it either started yesterday or has already been rewarded for yesterday. Either way, it might be rewarded for today after today ends, but shouldn’t yet be rewarded for today, because today hasn’t finished yet. In all 3 of those cases, no reward is earned now, and stakePeriodStart remains unchanged.

  5. Otherwise, if it is any other case (-1 < stakePeriodStart < todayNumber - 1), then transfer a reward from the staking reward account (0.0.800) to this account, then set stakePeriodStart to todayNumber-1. The value of stakedNode.rewardSumHistory[todayNumber - 1 - t] is the total reward in tinybars that has been earned by those staking to node stakedNode per token staked, throughout all of history up to and including the reward for the full day t. So stakedNode.rewardSumHistory[0] is the reward for all days up to and including the full day todayNumber - 1. There is not yet an entry that includes the reward for todayNumber, because today is not yet finished. The account should rewarded for the first day of staking that hasn’t yet received an award (stakePeriodStart minus the previous day), proportional to non-ignored, rewarded balances at the start of that day, plus rewards for all full days thereafter. So, if account.balance is the balance of this account at the start of this transaction (before it might have been changed by running the smart contract), then the amount of the reward is calculated as:
     offeredReward = 0;
     if (!rewardedSinceLastStakingChange) {
         // This account's stake has not changed since day stakePeriodStart, when it first started
         // staking to a node but was not eligible to earn a reward. So we can reward it based on
         // its current stake as below. (To see why the second rewardSumHistory index is correct, note 
         // it clearly holds for the base case that stakePeriodStart = todayNumber - 2, since then we 
         // want to reward for only day todayNumber - 1 via rewardSumHistory[0] - rewardSumHistory[1]. 
         // Smaller values of stakePeriodStart follow by induction.)
         offeredReward = (account.balance + account.stakedToMe) / 100_000_000 * 
                 - stakedNode.rewardSumHistory[todayNumber - 1 - stakePeriodStart]);
     } else {
         // This account claimed a (possibly zero) reward in day stakePeriodStart + 1, and may have
         // changed its stake in the process. So we need to reward it for that day based on the 
         // stake we remember it it had at the start of the day, not the stake that it has now. (To
         // see why the rewardSumHistory indices are correct, again start with the base case that
         // stakePeriodStart = todayNumber - 2, so that once more we want to reward only for 
         // todayNumber - 1 via rewardSumHistory[0] - rewardSumHistory[1].)
         offeredReward += account.stakeAtStartOfLastRewardedPeriod / 100_000_000 *
             (stakedNode.rewardSumHistory[todayNumber - 1 - (stakePeriodStart + 1)] 
                 - stakedNode[todayNumber - 1 - stakePeriodStart]);
         // And now we need to _also_ reward it for the (possibly empty) set of days from 
         // stakePeriodStart + 2 up to todayNumber - 1, for which it is guaranteed to have held its 
         // current stake.
         offeredReward += (account.balance + account.stakedToMe) / 100_000_000 * 
                 - stakedNode.rewardSumHistory[todayNumber - 1 - (stakePeriodStart + 1)]);
     reward = account.declinedReward ? 0 : offeredReward;
     account.balance += reward; //transfer the reward to the account 
     pendingRewards -= reward; //that amount is no longer "pending"
  6. Execute the transaction (if it wasn’t already executed in step 2).

  7. Let delta be the amount by which balance increased due to the reward or as a result of executing the transaction. If delta is nonzero, then add delta to the appropriate field of the staking target. That is the stakedToMe field of an account it is staked to, and the stakedRewarded field of a node it is staked to (if declineReward == false), or the stakedNotRewarded field of a node it is staked to (if declineReward == true). If it is staked to an account that is staked to a node, then also add it to the appropriate field of that node, which is either stakedNotRewarded or stakedRewarded, depending on the declineReward field of the targeted account.

  8. If step 6 changed a field of another account, then repeat all the steps here on that account, to give it any rewards it might have earned so far. Similarly, if there is a synthetic transaction triggered now (such as an auto-renewal), then run all these steps on any accounts changed by that.

End of Staking Period Computations

At the end of each staking period, the nodes will be updated. If the staking period is a day, lasting from one midnight UTC to the next, then this update is calculated immediately before handling the first transaction each day whose consensus timestep is after midnight. The calculation is described by the following pseudocode:

    // an initial estimate of the total tinybars of reward earned by all stakers for the staking period now ending
    long initialTotalReward = stakingRewardRate * totalStakedRewardStart;
    // a revised estimate of that reward, given that it can't exceed the unreserved amount in account 0.0.800
    long revisedTotalReward = max(0, min(accountBalance(0.0.800) - pendingRewards, initialTotalReward)); 
    // The tinybars earned per hbar for stakers who are staked to a node whose total
    // stakedRewarded is in the range [minStake, maxStake]
    long perHbarRate = revisedTotalReward / (totalStakedRewardStart / 100_000_000);
    for each node {
        for (i=365; i>0; i--) //push a day onto the history (latest reward is zero, but updated below)
            node.rewardSumHistory[i] = node.rewardSumHistory[i-1];
        long perHbarRateThisNode = 0;
        // If this node was "active", and it had non-zero stakedReward at the start of the ending staking period,
        // then it should give rewards for this staking period
        if (node.numRoundsWithJudge / numRoundsInPeriod >= activeThreshold && node.stakedRewardStart > 0) {
            perHbarRateThisNode = perHbarRate;    
            // But if the node received more the maximum stakeToReward, "down-scale" its reward rate to 
            // ensure accounts staking to this node will receive a fraction of the total rewards that does  
            // not exceed node.stakedRewardStart / totalStakedRewardedStart
            if (node.stakeToReward > node.maxStake) {
                nodePerHbarRate = (nodePerHbarRate * node.maxStake) / node.stakeToReward;
        node.rewardSumHistory[0] += perHbarRateThisNode;
        pendingRewards += (node.stakeToReward / 100_000_000) * perHbarRateThisNode;
    totalStakedRewardStart = 0;
    totalStakedNoRewardStart = 0;
    for each node {
        node.stake = node.stakedRewarded + node.stakedNotRewarded;
        if (node.stake > node.maxStake) node.stake = node.maxStake;
        if (node.stake < node.minStake) node.stake = 0;
        //node.stake is now the total staked to the node that actually affects consensus
        //stakedRewardedUsed is the portion of node.stakeRewarded that affects consensus
        long stakedRewardedUsed = min(node.stakedRewarded, node.stake);
        node.stakedRewardStart = stakedRewardUsed;
        totalStakedRewardStart += stakedRewardedUsed;
        totalStakedStart += node.stake;

This rewards only active nodes, where “active” is shown as being active for a certain fraction of rounds, though that calculation may be tweaked slightly.

This divides the daily reward equally among all tinybars that were staked and didn’t decline the reward. Except there is no reward for staking to a node that is under the minimum stake allowed, and it does not reward the portion of the stake to a node that was over its max limit. The daily reward is initialTotalReward, unless account 0.0.800 has insufficient balance to give the full reward, in which case it simply distributes everything in 0.0.800.

Note that all of the above is done during the time that a single transaction is handled. But it will be very fast, because it is only updating information for each node. It does not actually transfer any rewards. The accounts that stake are rewarded only when they are used, as described above.

During transaction handling, fees are computed and divided among the Treasury account (0.0.98), staking reward account (0.0.800), and node reward account (0.0.801). The fraction to each is determined by thge Council. After this feature is first implemented, the balance of 0.0.800 will continue to accumulate until some threshold defined by the council, at which point staked accounts will begin to earn rewards, and the threshold will never again have an effect.

For example, suppose the council set the reward emission rate to (1 billion / 365) hbars per day, and set the threshold to start at one billion hbars. Once account 0.0.800 reaches one billion hbars, reward distributions will begin. All previous staking periods will have 0 rewards, but all subsequent staking periods will have (1 billion / 365) hbars per staking period, until the balance balls below that daily total reward. If transfers to the 0.0.800 from both transaction fees and from outside accounts are sufficient, then the rewards can continue at that rate forever. If the transfers to 0.0.800 are insufficient, then eventually the balance will fall below that amount. After that, the rewards will be only the amount obtained from transaction fees each day, until either another transfer from an external account is received, or until the daily transaction fees grow to be able to fund the entire amount each day.

If all nodes are active in a given day, and all have ≥ minStake and ≤ maxStake, then each hbar staked will earn the same amount of reward, regardless of which node it is staked to. If a node has < minStake, then no hbar staked to that node will earn rewards. If a node has > maxStake, then the reward will be as if only maxStake had been staked, and is then distributed pro-rata to those accounts staked to that node. For example, if maxStake were 1 billion hbars for a given node, but that node actually had 3 billion hbars staked to it, and if Alice’s account is staked to that node, then Alice will earn a third of the reward that she would have earned had this node not been staked beyond maxStake.

To make the computation of earned rewards a constant-time operation, the rewardSumHistory in the node contains cumulative reward values. At the beginning of each staking period, the array is shifted, and the reward rate per staked hbar is added to rewardSumHistory[0]. When computing rewards, even those that involve tens or hundreds of days, we can simply subtract the value at rewardSumHistory[stakePeriodStart] from rewardSumHistory[0] to get the total reward rate that staking to this node earned during that time period.

The local variable active represents whether this node was considered to be an active member of the network during the staking period that is now ending. If a node does not create famous witnesses (judges) in a sufficient fraction of the rounds during that day, then it is considered not active, and there is no reward for staking to that node during that staking period. This encourages staking to reliable nodes, and allows users to aid in securing the network. During a given staking period, the network will count how many rounds occur (numRoundsInPeriod), and to how many of them this node contributed a judge (node.numRoundsWithJudge), and compare it to the setting for what counts as active (activeThreshold).


To avoid confusion and off-by-one errors, the following is the timing of staking, consensus weight, and rewards.

At the start of a given staking period (for example, at midnight UTC at the start of a one-day period), a snapshot is taken to determine the total amount staked to each node at that moment. This determines the weight of each node in consensus throughout the duration of that staking period. At the end of the staking period, all stakers who should earn a reward will become eligible to receive that earned reward. The earned reward will actually be transferred the next time the staking account changes, such as when it pays for a transaction, or has hbars transferred to it, or there are hbars transfered to an account that stakes to it, or it autorenews because it reached its expiration date (which happens at least every 3 months according to current settings). With current settings, this means it will receive rewards at most once per day, and least once every 3 months.

If any part of this HIP sounds like might be suggesting different timing, with the reward or consensus weight coming one staking period earlier or later, then what is described in this section takes precedence.


All transactions generate records, including transactions that change account balances, and transactions that change staking fields. These records are all sent to the mirror nodes. Therefore, a mirror node can know at all times the balance of each account, and whether it is staked. Therefore, it can know at all times the total stake to each node.

Currently, a record for a transaction has a transfer list, giving the change in balance (in tinybars) for every account that increased or decreased due to that transaction. A new transfer list will be added, that gives just the changes due to staking rewards. So if Alice sends 100 tinybars to Bob, and this triggers a reward of 1 tinybar for Bob, then the existing list will show that Bob’s account increased by 101 tinybars, and the new list will show that Bob’s account increased by 1 tinybar due to staking rewards. Similarly, if a transaction has a portion of its transaction fee that sends 3 tinybars to 0.0.800, and 0.0.800 is sending Bob 1 tinybar as an earned staking reward, then the existing list will show a change of +2 tinybars for 0.0.800 (total change), and the new list will show a -1 change for 0.0.800 (change due to staking rewards).

At the end of a staking period, there should be an additional record created that indicates a new staking period has started. It will contain:

  • time and date of the end of the staking period that is now ending
  • number of rounds during the staking period that is now ending
  • for each node:
    • new stake and stakeRewardedStart
    • minStake and maxStake
    • number of rounds in which it created a famous witness (judge)

The record immediately after it will be the record for the first transaction in the new staking period. That is the first transaction with a consensus after midnight UTC, if the staking period is a day.

New settings

The following new settings will be added to the system, and set by transactions signed by a majority of the Council.

  • StakingPeriod - staking rewards are earned on hbars staked for at least this long (given in minutes, initially defined to be 24 * 60 which is one day)
  • StakingRewardRate - the staking reward rate to use if it isn’t reduced by any other factors (such as 0.0.800 being depleted). In units of tinybars earned per day per hbar staked for reward
  • StakingStartThreshold - Staking rewards are earned starting when 0.0.800 reaches this balance (example: 1 billion)
  • MinStake (per node) - the minimum amount that must be staked to that node, in order for the node to participate in consensus
  • MaxStake (per node) - the maximum amount of the stake to that node that will count (the excess coins are not rewarded and do not affect consensus weight)
  • StakingRewardFeeFraction - the fraction of each transaction fee (excluding node fee) that goes to the staking reward account 0.0.800.
  • NodeRewardFeeFraction - the fraction of each transaction fee (excluding node fee) that goes to the node reward account 0.0.801. The remaining fraction (1 - StakingRewardFeeFraction - NodeRewardFeeFraction) goes to the treasury account 0.0.98. Therefore, the sum of the two fractions must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.
  • stakingPeriodsStored - the number of staking periods for which the reward is stored for each node. For simplicity, this was described as 365 throughout this HIP, but should actually be an adjustable setting. NOTE: this should always be set to be an equal or longer period than the max expiration period for any entity. That will ensure that auto-renew guarantees that all earned rewards are eventually paid, and none are ever lost.


When this feature is first implemented, users will not immediately start earning staking rewards. Instead, the start will be triggered by the first time that the staking reward account (0.0.800) reaches a balance of at least StakingStartThreshold tinybars, which will be a setting that is set or changed by a signed transaction from the Council. Once it reaches that threshold, the rewards will be earned at a rate of StakingRewardRate tinybars per staking period.

For example, if the staking period is 24 hours, and StakingRewardRate is a billion hbars divided by 365, and the StakingStartThreshold is a billion hbars, then that would mean that staking would not earn any rewards until 0.0.800 has reached a balance of a billion hbars. At that time, users could start to earn rewards from it, and the rate would be such that the staking rewards would continue to be earned for at least a year at that rate. The rewards would also continue to be earned after that, at a rate dependent on the amount of additional hbars that are transferred to that account, from a combination of transaction fees and grants from organizations and individuals. If there were a total of 15 billion hbars staked and earning rewards, then during the course of that year, each user staking 100 hbars would be earning between 6 and 7 hbars during that year. At the end of the year, when 0.0.800 is depleted, the staking rewards would continue, using only the portion received from transaction fees (a de minimus amount), until another grant is given to 0.0.800, or until the transactions per second on the network are high enough to fund the entire stakingRewardRate each day.

During the discussion period for this HIP, if any organizations or individuals reading it are planning to transfer grants to 0.0.800 for this purpose, then it will be useful to say so in the comments on this issue. Preferably, such comments could include projected amounts. These comments are not legal committments. But they will help the community as a whole understand how the community is thinking and planning.

Backwards Compatibility

The API definition for proxyAccountID in CryptoCreateTransactionBody and other protobuf definitions will be updated to match this HIP specification. This field was not usable before, and was not exposed through any SDK.

Any mirror nodes or tools parsing record files will need to begin tracking staking changes and use staking to determine 1/3 superminority of record files.

Everything else is expected to be strictly backwards compatible.

Security Implications

The definition of minStake and maxStake is essential to make sure no one node has too much stake in the overall system.

Staking will not be taken into account when determining the throttles for each node. It is possible that a small number of “bad” nodes can have a negative impact on overall network throughput. We mitigate this by using the mathematics of the hashgraph plus various forms of throttling.

How to Teach This

Reference Implementation

Deprecated Protobuf Elements

The Hedera API (HAPI) protobufs include fields that anticipated native staking. These fields are now deprecated,

  1. The NodeAddress#stake field.
  2. The ContractCreateTransactionBody#proxyAccountID field.
  3. The ContractUpdateTransactionBody#proxyAccountID field.
  4. The CryptoCreateTransactionBody#proxyAccountID field.
  5. The CryptoGetInfoResponse#proxyAccountID field.
  6. The CryptoUpdateTransactionBody#proxyAccountID field.
  7. The GetAccountDetailsResponse#proxy_account_id field.
  8. The INVALID_PROXY_ACCOUNT_ID value of the ResponseCodeEnum.

New Protobuf Elements

Implementing this HIP requires several new HAPI elements.

First, nodes will now return staking information in the response to a getAccountInfo or getContractInfo query via a new StakingInfo message,

message StakingInfo {
     * If true, this account or contract declined to receive a staking reward.
    bool decline_reward = 1;
     * The staking period during which either the staking settings for this account or contract changed (such as starting
     * staking or changing staked_node_id) or the most recent reward was earned, whichever is later. If this account or contract
     * is not currently staked to a node, then this field is not set.
    Timestamp stake_period_start = 2;
     * The amount in tinybars that will be received in the next reward situation.
    int64 pending_reward = 3;
     * The total of balance of all accounts staked to this account or contract.
    int64 staked_to_me = 4;
     * ID of the account or node to which this account or contract is staking.
    oneof staked_id {
         * The account to which this account or contract is staking.
        AccountID staked_account_id = 5;
         * The ID of the node this account or contract is staked to.
        int64 staked_node_id = 6;

Second, when creating an account, a HAPI user will configure its staking via new fields in the CryptoCreateTransactionBody,

     * ID of the account or node to which the account should stake. Neither choice is required.
    oneof staked_id {
         * ID of the account to which this account is staking.
        AccountID staked_account_id = 15;
         * ID of the node this account is staked to.
        int64 staked_node_id = 16;
     * If true, the account declines receiving a staking reward. The default value is false.
    bool decline_reward = 17;

And a HAPI user will configure a new contract’s staking information via parallel fields in the ContractCreateTransactionBody,

     * ID of the account or node to which the contract should stake. Neither choice is required.
    oneof staked_id {
         * ID of the account to which this contract is staking.
        AccountID staked_account_id = 17; 
         * ID of the node this contract is staked to.
        int64 staked_node_id = 18; 
     * If true, the contract declines receiving a staking reward. The default value is false.
    bool decline_reward = 19; 

Suppose a CONTRACT_CREATION message call is processed during an EVM transaction. The resulting contract will inherit the staking information of the contract that spawned the CONTRACT_CREATION call.

Third, a HAPI user will also be able to update the staking information for an account, or a contract with an admin key. For an account, the user will set new CryptoUpdateTransactionBody fields,

     * ID of the account or node to which this account is staking.
    oneof staked_id {
         * ID of the new account to which this account is staking. If set to the sentinel <tt>0.0.0</tt> AccountID,
         * this field removes this account's staked account ID.
        AccountID staked_account_id = 16;
         * ID of the new node this account is staked to. If set to the sentinel <tt>-1</tt>, this field
         * removes this account's staked node ID.
        int64 staked_node_id = 17;
     * If true, the account declines receiving a staking reward. The default value is false.
    google.protobuf.BoolValue decline_reward = 18;

And for a contract with an admin key, the user will set parallel new ContractUpdateTransactionBody fields,

     * ID of the new account or node to which this contract is staking.
    oneof staked_id {
         * ID of the new account to which this contract is staking. If set to the sentinel <tt>0.0.0</tt> AccountID,
         * this field removes the contract's staked account ID.
        AccountID staked_account_id = 13;
         * ID of the new node this contract is staked to. If set to the sentinel <tt>-1</tt>, this field
         * removes the contract's staked node ID.
        int64 staked_node_id = 14;

     * If true, the contract declines receiving a staking reward.
    google.protobuf.BoolValue decline_reward = 15;

Fourth, when a transaction triggers a reward situation, its record will include the paid rewards via a new repeated field,

     * List of accounts with the corresponding staking rewards paid as a result of a transaction.
    repeated AccountAmount paid_staking_rewards = 18;

This will be visible both via a HAPI getTxnRecord query, and in the record stream consumed by mirror nodes.

And finally, there are a few ways that users can misconfigure HAPI staking messages. The ResponseCodeEnum will now include values,

   * A CryptoCreate or ContractCreate used the deprecated proxyAccountID field.
   * An account set the staked_account_id to itself in CryptoUpdate or ContractUpdate transactions.
   * The staking account id or staking node id given is invalid or does not exist.

Rejected Ideas

Open Issues / FAQ

Q: Can a node’s account change over time? What happens if I stake to a node’s account, only to find the node has moved to another account?

A: You stake to a node, not to its account. So if the node’s account changes, it makes no difference to the accounts that are staking to the node.

Q: Do we permit multiple levels of indirection in staking? We support account A → Node N, and we support account A → account B → Node node. But do we support account A → account B → account C → Node N? What about A → B → A? What about A → A?

A: We only support one level of indirection in staking. Cycles (A → A) are illegal. Longer chains like account A → account B → account C → Node N can exist, but then A will not actually be increasing the consensus weight of any node, and no reward will be generated for the staking by A. The only effect is that if B ever switches to staking to an active node, then A will automatically start giving that node more consensus weight, and B will automatically start receiving the earned rewards.

Q: Define how long we keep a history of staking amounts per node. If you don’t collect rewards before that time period, you will lose whatever rewards happened before the oldest retained data.

A: The history is kept for at most 365 staking periods (which means 365 days in the initial implementation). So as long as an account (or an account staked to it) has its balance change at least once a year (or the account changes its staking settings at least once a year), then it will never lose out on any earned rewards.

Q: Should nodes have a way to prohibit who can stake to it? The problem is that as a node owner, suppose I setup a node and give myself the min stake (let’s say, 1M hbar). Then some bozo comes along, and stakes a huge amount like 10M hbar, where the maxStake was maybe 5M. This whale is reducing the amount of return the node owner gets. They may not like that.

A: No. And the whale is hurt by this behavior, because they get less reward. So this incentivizes good behavior. Users should check how much is staked to a node before staking to it. And should check periodically to see if the node has been active, and generating earned rewards.

Q: Should we even allow anybody to stake a tinybar? Is there a minimum amount they should be able to stake?

A: There is no minimum amount to stake. Since staking is based on balance, anyone with a balance will earn a reward. Rewards are rounded down. So staking a single tinybar is likely to earn a reward rounded down to zero.

Q: Should throttle be based on stake?

A: No.

Q: What happens to the reward that would have been earned by an account electing not to receive stake?

A: The amount of reward for a given day is divided among all stakers that elected to receive rewards. So if an account is set to decline the rewards, there will simply be more rewards for others.

Q: Are rewards automatically compounded?

A: Yes, if there are transactions that trigger the reward, such as the account sending/receiving hbars, paying for a transaction, or changing its staking settings.

Q: What happens when an account is deleted?

A: We compute rewards and send them to whichever account is specified to receive the balance of that account.


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