GitHub Logo HIP-226: Mirror Node Contract Execution Results REST API

Author Nana Essilfie-Conduah
Status Final
Needs Council Approval Yes
Review period ends Fri, 17 Dec 2021 07:00:00 +0000
Type Standards Track
Category Mirror
Created 2021-11-18
Updated 2023-02-01
Release v0.46.0


Additional Mirror Node REST API endpoints are described which would allow users to retrieve the details of a contracts method execution.


The current Mirror Node supports the ingestion of contract information and contract executions results. It supports the retrieval of top level contract information, however, it does not support the retrieval of contract execution results. When methods in a contract are run users currently have to rely on network calls and transaction success or failure to determine execution details. Retrieving transaction execution details is common practice in the EVM space and the Mirror Node should provide endpoints on its existing API to support new and existing users.


The proposal seeks to expand Mirror Node Smart Contract Service 2.0 support by exposing contract execution results as is standard in many full archive nodes. These new endpoints would provide insight into function method details, gas details and internal contract execution metadata.

User stories

  • As a user, I want to view the results of a smart contracts method execution so that I can verify the expected behavior and method metadata.
  • As a user, I want to view the results of a smart contracts method execution so that I can view the emitted events as logs.
  • As a user, I want to view the results of a smart contracts method execution so that I can view any applicable access lists.
  • As a user, I want to view the results of a smart contracts method execution so that I can view any applicable state changes.


Two new endpoints under the existing /api/v1/contracts/ path will be added to supports users with different contract execution identifiers.

  • ContractId and Timestamp based retrieval via GET /api/v1/contracts/{id}/results/{timestamp}
  • TransactionId based retrieval via GET /api/v1/contracts/results/{transactionId}

The following JSON represents a typical response result from either of these calls

  "amount": 10,
  "access_list": [
      "address": "0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae",
      "storage_keys": [
      "address": "0xbb9bc244d798123fde783fcc1c72d3bb8c189413",
      "storage_keys": [
  "block_hash": "0x410ef7b5a5f",
  "block_number": 50,
  "bloom": "0x549358c4c2e573e02410ef7b5a5ffa5f36dd7398",
  "call_result": "0x2b048531b38d2882e86044bc972e940ee0a01938",
  "contract_id": "0.0.1002",
  "created_contract_ids": [
  "error_message": "",
  "from": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001",
  "function_parameters": "0xbb9f02dc6f0e3289f57a1f33b71c73aa8548ab8b",
  "gas_limit": 2500,
  "gas_used": 1000,
  "hash": "0x5b2e3c1a49352f1ca9fb5dfe74b7ffbbb6d70e23a12693444e26058d8a8e6296",
  "logs": [
      "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001f41",
      "bloom": "0x1513001083c899b1996ec7fa33621e2c340203f0",
      "contract_id": "0.0.1002",
      "data": "0x8f705727c88764031b98fc32c314f8f9e463fb62",
      "index": 0,
      "topics": [
      "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001f42",
      "bloom": "0x8f705727c88764031b98fc32c314f8f9e463fb62",
      "contract_id": "0.0.1003",
      "data": "0x1513001083c899b1996ec7fa33621e2c340203f0",
      "index": 1,
      "topics": [
  "result": "SUCCESS",
  "state_changes": [
      "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001f41",
      "contract_id": "0.0.8001",
      "slot": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
      "value_read": "0xaf846d22986843e3d25981b94ce181adc556b334ccfdd8225762d7f709841df0",
      "value_written": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c2a8c408d0e29d623347c5"
      "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001f42",
      "contract_id": "0.0.8002",
      "slot": "0xe1b094dec1b7d360498fa8130bf1944104b7b5d8a48f9ca88c3fc0f96c2d7225",
      "value_read": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001eafa3aaed1d27246",
      "value_written": null
  "status": "0x1",
  "timestamp": "12345.10001",
  "to": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001002"

/api/v1/contracts/results/{transactionId} Optional filters

  • nonce: The identifier for an internal transaction that was spawned as part of handling a user transaction. A zero nonce represents user submitted transactions while a non-zero nonce is generated by main nodes. The filter honors the last value. Default is 0 when not specified.

Backwards Compatibility

These additional API endpoints do not alter exsiting REST API functionality.

How to Teach This

  • Hedera Mirror Node design document
  • Description and code examples of queries added to Hedera REST API documentation section
  • The OpenAPI spec at api/v1/docs should be updated to reflect the new endpoints and allow users to test out the calls.
  • Reviewed in Engineering Insights

Rejected Ideas

Custom EVM APIs at api/v1/evm/transactions were rejected, as they provided additional overhead and new endpoints unknown to users or libraries.

Open Issues

  • How will EVM internal transactions be surfaced to the Mirror Node in the record stream? One potential format is as follows
      "evm_internal_transactions": [
          "from": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001002",
          "to": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001003",
          "type": "call_0",
          "value": "20"
  • How will Hedera child transactions be surfaced aswell as correlated with the parent transaction in the record stream? Two potential formats are as follows
    "links": {
      "hedera_child_transactions": [


    "links": {
      "related": {
        "hedera_child_transactions": [
            "timestamp": "1637100159.961284000",
            "endpoint": "api/v1/transactions/0.0.11943-1637100159-861284000"
            "timestamp": "1637099842.991982153",
            "endpoint": "api/v1/transactions/0.0.10459-1637099842-891982153"
  • Should EVM and Hedera internal/child transactions be presented together or kept separate?




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