GitHub Logo HIP-449: Record stream specification for expiring smart contracts

Author Michael Tinker, Steven Sheehy
Status Final
Needs Council Approval Yes
Review period ends Wed, 04 May 2022 07:00:00 +0000
Type Standards Track
Category Service
Created 2022-04-19
Updated 2023-02-01
Replaces 16
Release v0.29.0


HIP-16 defined the lifecycle of expiring Hedera entities. But it did not fully specify the (Transaction, TransactionRecord) pairs the ledger will use to externalize lifecycle events to mirror nodes via the record stream.

In this HIP we use examples to specify how the record stream will externalize state changes for smart contract expiration. These state changes include:

  1. Auto-renewal of a contract
  2. Treasury return of an expired contract’s non-deleted NFTs
  3. Treasury return of an expired contract’s non-deleted fungible token balances
  4. Bookkeeping of an expired contract’s deleted token balances
  5. Auto-removal of a contract


For a mirror node to track the state changes that happen as the ledger auto-renews and auto-removes smart contracts, it must understand how these changes are externalized in the record stream. Although HIP-16 offers an example auto-renewal record and an example auto-removal record, it is silent on the TransactionBody’s that would accompany these records in the stream. It also does not address the important case of an expired contract that still owns NFTs, as NFTs were only introduced in HIP-17.


  • We chose the ContractUpdateTransactionBody, ContractDeleteTransactionBody, and CryptoTransferTransactionBody messages to externalize as much of the auto-renew semantics as possible, because mirror nodes can already ingest these messages.
  • We added the new bool permanent_removal field to the ContractDeleteTransactionBody message to be quite explicit when a record is of a contract auto-removal, and not a ContractDelete user transaction submitted via HAPI. (Mirror nodes will need to update their ingestion logic for the permanent_removal=true case.)
  • We chose to define the system TransactionID messages by adding a nonce to the TransactionID of the last user transaction handled by the ledger, because this scheme is the simplest known method of creating a globally unique identifier of a “synthetic” transaction.

User stories

  • As a mirror node operator, I need the record stream to include all state changes the ledger makes when auto-renewing or auto-removing a smart contract.


This section lists examples of (Transaction, TransactionRecord) pairs that externalize the following state changes:

  1. Auto-renewal of a contract
  2. Treasury return of an expired contract’s non-deleted NFTs
  3. Treasury return of an expired contract’s non-deleted fungible token balances
  4. Bookkeeping of an expired contract’s deleted token balances
  5. Auto-removal of a contract

Auto-renewal of a contract without a funded auto-renew account

In this example, the last user record created in handleTransaction() had a TransactionID of:

transactionValidStart {
  seconds: 1650466736
  nanos: 120
accountID {
  accountNum: 1234
nonce: 3

The consensus timestamp of the record was:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 400

After handling this user transaction, the ledger determines contract 0.0.8888 has expired at consensus second 1650466735; and that its renewal fee for the next 90 days is 1ℏ. This contract has an auto-renew account, but the account has zero balance. Luckily, the contract itself has a balance of 0.5ℏ, meaning it can self-fund a 45 day renewal. The resulting (Transaction, TransactionRecord) pair in the record stream has a ContractUpdateTransactionBody:

transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 4
contractUpdateInstance {
  contractID {
    contractNum: 8888
  expirationTime {
    seconds: 1654354735

The SignatureMap for this Transaction is empty. (An empty SignatureMap is the universal identifying characteristic of a system-generated transaction, since every user transaction must include at least a payer signature.)

The corresponding TransactionRecord is:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 401
transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 4
memo: "Contract 0.0.8888 was automatically renewed. New expiration time: 1654354735."
transactionFee: 50000000
transactionHash: "<SHA-384 hash of above body encoded in signedTransactionBytes>"
transferList {
  accountAmounts {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 98
    amount: 50000000
  accountAmounts {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 8888
    amount: -50000000

Important: Unlike HIP-16, we do not repeat the ContractID in the TransactionReceipt. In particular, the consensus timestamp of the auto-renewal record is one nanosecond later than the last-handled user transaction. The hash in the record is of the signedTransactionBytes in the paired Transaction.

Auto-renewal of a contract with a funded auto-renew account

In this example, the last user record created in handleTransaction() had a TransactionID of:

transactionValidStart {
  seconds: 1650466736
  nanos: 120
accountID {
  accountNum: 1234
scheduled: true

The consensus timestamp of the record was:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 400

After handling this user transaction, the ledger determines contract 0.0.9999 has expired at consensus second 1650466735; and that its renewal fee for the next 90 days is 1ℏ. This contract has an auto-renew account 0.0.4321, although the balance of the account is only 1 tinybar. Because the ledger rounds partial renewals up to the nearest hour, this is still enough to renew the contract for a single hour. The resulting (Transaction, TransactionRecord) pair in the record stream has a ContractUpdateTransactionBody:

transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 1
contractUpdateInstance {
  contractID {
    contractNum: 9999
  expirationTime {
    seconds: 1650470335

In particular, the scheduled=true field of the user TransactionID is taken as a sort of “half-nonce”, and the synthetic TransactionID still begins at nonce=1.

The corresponding TransactionRecord is:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 401
transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 1
memo: "Contract 0.0.9999 was automatically renewed. New expiration time: 1650470335."
transactionFee: 1
transactionHash: "<SHA-384 hash of above body encoded in signedTransactionBytes>"
transferList {
  accountAmounts {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 98
    amount: 1
  accountAmounts {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 4321
    amount: -1

Treasury return of non-deleted NFTs

In this example, the last user record created in handleTransaction() had a TransactionID of:

transactionValidStart {
  seconds: 1650466736
  nanos: 120
accountID {
  accountNum: 1234

The consensus timestamp of the record was:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 400

After handling this user transaction, the ledger determines contract 0.0.7777 expired at consensus second 1649861935 without any auto-renewal funds. Now its week-long grace period has ended, and this contract should be permanently removed from the ledger state. However, contract 0.0.7777 still owns 3 NFTs of the non-deleted token type 0.0.111111—serial numbers 1, 2, and 3. The ledger needs to return these NFTs to the token treasury 0.0.1111 before permanently erasing all record of the contract. But it can only return 2 NFTs to the treasury per call to handleTransaction, because the ledger does not want to delay the processing of user transactions.

The resulting (Transaction, TransactionRecord) pair in the record stream has a CryptoTransferTransactionBody that shows the first two serial numbers being returned to their treasury:

transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 1
cryptoTransfer {
  tokenTransfers {
    token {
      tokenNum: 111111
    nftTransfers {
      senderAccountID {
        accountNum: 7777
      receiverAccountID {
        accountNum: 1111
      serialNumber: 1
    nftTransfers {
      senderAccountID {
        accountNum: 7777
      receiverAccountID {
        accountNum: 1111
      serialNumber: 2

The corresponding TransactionRecord is:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 401
transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 1
memo: "NFT treasury return(s) for pending auto-removal of contract 0.0.7777"
transactionHash: "<SHA-384 hash of above body encoded in signedTransactionBytes>"
tokenTransferLists {
  token {
    tokenNum: 111111
  nftTransfers {
    senderAccountID {
      accountNum: 7777
    receiverAccountID {
      accountNum: 1111
    serialNumber: 1
  nftTransfers {
    senderAccountID {
      accountNum: 7777
    receiverAccountID {
      accountNum: 1111
    serialNumber: 2

Note there is no transactionFee for the NFT treasury return. Also, if token type 0.0.111111 had been deleted, no treasury return would have been possible; the ledger would have only externalized a bookkeeping record to prompt mirror nodes to “zero out” the removed contract’s balance of the deleted token.

This occurs in our final example.

Auto-removal of a contract with deleted and non-deleted token balances

As above, the last user record created in handleTransaction() had a TransactionID of:

transactionValidStart {
  seconds: 1650466736
  nanos: 120
accountID {
  accountNum: 1234

And as above, the consensus timestamp of the record was:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 400

After handling this user transaction, the ledger determines contract 0.0.6666 expired at consensus second 1649861935 without any auto-renewal funds. Now its week-long grace period has ended, and this contract should be permanently removed from the ledger state. The contract owns a single NFT, serial number 3, of the non-deleted token type 0.0.111111. It also owns 100 units of the non-deleted fungible token type 0.0.222222. Finally, contract 0.0.6666 still has 5 NFTs of the deleted token type 0.0.333333, and 1000 units of the deleted fungible token type 0.0.444444.

In this case the ledger does need any preparatory NFT treasury returns. It can can return the single non-deleted NFT and the 0.0.222222 balance to their respective treasuries in a single step with the permanent removal of the contract itself.

The resulting (Transaction, TransactionRecord) pair in the record stream has a ContractDeleteTransactionBody with permanent_removal=true.

transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 1
contractDeleteInstance {
  contractID {
    contractNum: 6666
  permanent_removal: true 

The corresponding TransactionRecord is:

consensusTimestamp {
  seconds: 1650466737
  nanos: 401
transactionID {
  transactionValidStart {
    seconds: 1650466736
    nanos: 120
  accountID {
    accountNum: 1234
  nonce: 1
memo: "Auto-removal of contract 0.0.6666"
transactionHash: "<SHA-384 hash of above body encoded in signedTransactionBytes>"
tokenTransferLists {
  token {
    tokenNum: 111111
  nftTransfers {
    senderAccountID {
      accountNum: 6666
    receiverAccountID {
      accountNum: 1111
    serialNumber: 3
tokenTransferLists {
  token {
    tokenNum: 222222
  transfers {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 2222
    amount: 100
  transfers {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 6666
    amount: -100
tokenTransferLists {
  token {
    tokenNum: 333333
  transfers {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 6666
    amount: -5
tokenTransferLists {
  token {
    tokenNum: 444444
  transfers {
    accountID {
      accountNum: 6666
    amount: -1000

Note that for deleted token types, it does not matter whether the type is fungible or non-fungible. No treasury return occurs, and the record only includes a bookkeeping entry that “zeros out” the expired contract’s balance of the token—either number of NFTs owned, or fungible units held.

Backwards Compatibility

Entity expiration has never been enabled in a production environment, so this specification should not break any mirror node implementation.

Security Implications

If many contracts all expired in a small interval, each with many associated tokens with non-zero balances, the work involved in their expiration could increase creation-to-consensus time for user transactions submitted during the interval. However, the cost to create each second’s worth of expiring contracts would be hundreds or even thousands of USD, making this an unattractive attack vector.

How to Teach This

Use the examples in the above specification to illustrate how state changes from smart contract expiration appear in the record stream.

Reference Implementation

Implementation is ongoing in Services branch eth-tx-interop via a set of changes to the package.

Rejected Ideas

We briefly considered a new type of record stream entry that consists of just a TransactionRecord instead of a (Transaction, TransactionRecord), but the increased complexity of mirror node support made it an unattractive option.

Open Issues

To track active work, please follow the progress of issues in this list.



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