HIP-646: Fungible Token Metadata Field
Author | May Chan |
Working Group | Michael Tinker, Ashe Oro, Michael Garber |
Discussions-To | https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-improvement-proposal/discussions/627 |
Status | Final ⓘ |
Needs Council Approval | Yes ⓘ |
Review period ends ⓘ | Mon, 30 Jan 2023 07:00:00 +0000 |
Type | Standards Track ⓘ |
Category | Service ⓘ |
Created | 2023-01-04 |
Updated | 2024-05-22 |
Release | v0.49.0 |
Table of Contents
This HIP proposes the addition of the metadata field to Fungible Tokens (FT), taking after the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) metadata field which was added in HIP-17. While HIP-17 metadata is scoped to a single NFT, here we propose adding metadata scoped to an entire token type.
Similar to NFT’s on the network, the fungible token implementation is largely functional. There is a need for a token creator to specify additional “metadata” about the token. The data and formatting is explored in HIP-405 but there is no field suitable for storing the link to this metadata.
The most ‘logical’ field proposed to store this data is the existing ‘memo’ field, however a dedicated metadata field is more appropriate.
The success of HIP-412 in standardizing the NFT space on Hedera demonstrates the potential of standardized metadata functionality for FT’s. Wallets, explorers and other applications can display relevant supplementary information about tokens to users in a decentralized fashion.
Related HIPs
- HIP-765 will add metadata for non-fungible token classes, which will introduce the same fields as this HIP.
- HIP-657 introduces mutable metadata for NFTs. The METADATA key defined in HIP-657 will also allow updating the metadata field specified in this HIP.
User stories
As a token creator, I want a platform-standardized method to host information about my token in a decentralized fashion, allowing applications to query data such as token icon and website.
As a wallet or explorer, I want to query a mirror node to obtain the metadata for any fungible token, similar to current non-fungible token calls, to simplify calls and implementation. Mirror nodes currently return metadata for individual NFTs; but for fungible token types, we want to get token-level metadata.
As a developer, I want to store the metadata uri in a dedicated field, to avoid ambiguity of using an overloaded field such as ‘memo’.
HAPI Changes
// Retrieves the metadata of a token
rpc getTokenInfo (Query) returns (Response);
- Add a new field to
, Propertymetadata
is updated at the token-type level for fungibles.message TokenCreateTransactionBody { ... /** * Metadata of the created token definition. */ bytes metadata = 23; }
- Permit updates by adding a new field to
, Propertymetadata
is updated at the token-type level for fungibles.
Updating the metadata field should require a metadataKey (ie HIP-657)
message TokenUpdateTransactionBody {
* If set, the metadata of the updated token definition
google.protobuf.BytesValue metadata = 16;
- Support getting the metadata directly from consensus nodes in the
response, ``` message TokenInfo { … /**- The token’s metadata, if any. */ bytes metadata = 27; } ```
Pricing considerations: The price for this metadata will be identical to the cost for storage of the memo.
Mirror Node Changes
Currently, only for individual NFTs does the Mirror Node REST API return the metadata
field. This will be extended to an entire token type for both fungible (this HIP) and non-fungible token collections (HIP-765).
For the list tokens endpoint, the token level metadata
field will be returned as a base64 encoded value.
"links": {
"next": null
"tokens": [
"admin_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
"metadata": "Ag==",
"symbol": "fungible",
"token_id": "0.0.1032",
"admin_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
"metadata": "VEVTVF9tZXRhZGF0YQ==",
"symbol": "non_fungible",
"token_id": "0.0.1036",
For a given token ID, in addition to the base64 encoded metadata
field, the new metadata_key
(HIP-657) will also be returned in the standard key format.
"admin_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
"auto_renew_account": "0.0.1020",
"auto_renew_period": 6999999,
"created_timestamp": "1706556543.894559367",
"custom_fees": {
"created_timestamp": "1706556543.894559367",
"fixed_fees": [],
"royalty_fees": []
"decimals": "0",
"deleted": true,
"expiry_timestamp": 1713556542894559367,
"fee_schedule_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
"freeze_default": false,
"freeze_key": null,
"initial_supply": "0",
"kyc_key": null,
"max_supply": "0",
"memo": "Mirror Node acceptance test: 2024-01-29T19:29:03.525656Z Create token",
"metadata": "VEVTVF9tZXRhZGF0YQ==",
"metadata_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
"modified_timestamp": "1706556543.894559367",
"name": "non_fungible_name",
"pause_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
"pause_status": "UNPAUSED",
"supply_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
"supply_type": "INFINITE",
"symbol": "non_fungible",
"token_id": "0.0.1036",
"total_supply": "0",
"treasury_account_id": "0.0.1020",
"wipe_key": {
"_type": "ED25519",
"key": "0aa8e21064c61eab86e2a9c164565b4e7a9a4146106e0a6cd03a8c395a110e92"
Backwards Compatibility
This HIP adds functionality and does not affect other services.
Security Implications
There are no additional security implications for the addition of metadata to FT’s that are different from NFT metadata.
How to Teach This
The Hedera documentation should be updated to reflect the new field. Specific education on metadata contents and formatting is out of scope.
Reference Implementation
The reference implementation must be complete before any HIP is given the status of “Final”. The final implementation must include test code and documentation.
Rejected Ideas
Using the existing ‘memo’ field to store metadata was a suggestion that would not require a HIP. This was rejected by the community in favour of a clearly defined, dedicated field.
Open Issues
For completeness, it’s out-of-scope here to enhance the EVM system contracts for TokenCreate, TokenUpdate, and GetTokenInfo with metadata support; but if token metadata becomes important for ecosystem interoperability, a future HIP may be required.
A collections of URLs used as references through the HIP.
https://hips.hedera.com/hip/hip-17 - Non-Fungible Tokens https://hips.hedera.com/hip/hip-405 - Fungible Token Metadata JSON Schema https://hips.hedera.com/hip/hip-412 - NFT Token Metadata JSON Schema
This document is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 – see LICENSE or (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
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